ThinkAdvisor's distinguished judging panel and seasoned editorial team are seeking nominations from firms and individuals from across the financial services industry that demonstrate exemplary leadership, groundbreaking innovation and outstanding community impact. 

In evaluating nominations, we will take into account the following criteria:

  • The nominee’s impact on the firm, advisors, and the broader professional community and industry.
  • This impact should include both quantitative and qualitative results – such as the number of advisors affected by the nominee and a clear description of the innovative ways the nominee has contributed to the particular program, firm and broader community, and industry.
  • A demonstrated ability to achieve goals and display ingenuity in terms of creative thinking and problem solving.
  • A description of the nominee’s dedication to furthering the development of advisors and the industry – most notably its ability to serve the best interests of clients.
  • A personal commitment to the highest ethical standards, service and excellence.

You may nominate individuals and/or firms. We encourage you to limit your entries to nominees that have made meaningful impacts on the businesses they serve. All entries must include 3-5 examples of achievements and supporting PDF materials that qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the impact these efforts have had over the past 12-18 months. 

Note: Do not cut and paste the same answer to one question when answering other questions in the nomination form. Thank you.